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Great, you made it out alive. Now what.. (tips on living alone for the 1st time)

As a person who was put in the difficult situation to have no choice but to move out of the family house days following my mom's passing, I can say I had to grow up even faster and I learned a lot along the way. It's been an interesting ride from living with a close knit family with drama from time to time (which was the normal and I was the glue holding everyone together).

       HERE, I've listed tips and/ or what to expect when living alone for the 1st time.

  • There's nothing like the first night at your new place (have a dance party w/ just you)

  • Bored? A lot of alone time and need something besides work and/or school? Volunteer at a pet shelter or a place think habitat for humanity which is will work with house goodies.

  • Don't let your newly found freedom turn to laziness

  • It's okay to accept help BUT don't be a Bugaboo

  • If you didn't know this already. You'll learn that location matters

  • Treat yourself to a bubble bath w/ music and wine if you can

  • get a few snacks from a convenience store or 99 cent store and got to the park or beach with a blanket or sheet and find a peaceful spot and read and/or study

  • Create a music playlist. Have yourself a dance party if you want

  • Budgeting and need housing goods and more? Go to places like Habitat for humanity (furniture, appliances, and fixtures) 99 cent store and DollarTree (snacks, some groceries, paper etc.) Ross (pet supplies, mugs, small containers for makeup etc.) ,and Goodwill (mixture of everything and clothes too) and of course consider other stores but look at the clearance rack

  • COMMON SENSE... Don't  give out your address to everyone. Keep it on a need to know basis or not at all

  • BE CAUTIOUS of your surroundings at all times

  • Hate doing chores? Well, I suggest listing to the radio, podcast, or a playlist you create to inspire you to work and groove. It's on you to get shit done.

  • Are you a book worm? Are you a person who hasn't read since high school? Do you have a book on your shelf that you've been wanting to read for the longest time but never seem to get around to it? If you answered, yes, to any of these then I suggest creating a book club with a local or not local  friend(s) and meet up at cafes to discuss the book.

  • Don't eat out everyday

  • Budget yourself. Purchase something you know you need (soap) before you something you want(candy)

  • It's true what is said, Time is money, use it wisely


Hope this helps!

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