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Books, Books and more books. Oh my!

Since I’ve been adding to my collection of books by going crazy on amazon and my local discount book store, I thought I would share what...

What Broadway means to me

Broadway is more than just community to me. These are moments that make broadway worth it... dressing up to go there whether community...

I'm So Sorry

Any Demi Lovato Fans here? Her recent song called "Sober" has me in tears. I 've had a drinking situation. I feel that this year and a...

Making it a reality

Hello everyone! I apologize for not staying up-to-date. I have great news... I am officially a homeowner! I wanted to make this post...

Taking JURASSIC measures

Just jumped the truck to go on the Jurassic Park hype. If you haven't seen it before I highly recommend checking the films out. However,...

Being SAGE

Hello, Sage here, Anyone Being Mary Jane fans here? Well, for the people who never seen the TV show, its about a woman who is finding her...

Storytime: The Necklace Lady

Here's a long story for you. I have to give a bit of background in certain parts before the interesting things happen. When I was about...

Living Alone: Expectations vs. Reality

Let's Begin! Expectation: You place will be furnished and fabulous Reality: Your place might not be Home & Decor Magazine ready yet. ...

Wix & Bloglovin'

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

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